Bucharest City Hall - Litigation
Starting with 2013, Mitu & Asociații represented the Bucharest City Hall in approximately 150 disputes involving teamwork, communication skills within the team, especially when different opinions and well-argued had to be reconciled in order to find the best strategy for solving the entrusted issues.
Major infrastructure projects
In the last years, Mitu & Asociații promoted both locally and at the European level the infrastructure projects in the national development strategy of Romania. To this end, Mitu & Asociații organised conferences in London, attended by members of the Government of Romania and participated in events organized by the Romanian authorities for the same purpose.
Decontamination of soil and groundwater
Mitu & Asociații have been involved in the project to decontaminate soil and groundwater with the sole purpose to contribute to the protection of environmental conditions and to reduce pollution, in order to leave the next generations a healthier place to live in.
The Integrated Socio-Medical Care Regional Center BARILIFE
The involvement in this project came as a natural consequence in the evolution of the team - helping your fellow citizens - to contribute to the evolution of the society as a whole. The challenge was the launch on the Romanian market of the first provider of specialised combined services, home based, both medical and social.
Management of employment conflicts
A significant achievement was the representation of an important player in the airship handling and towing market, in managing the collective employment conflict that would have had a negative impact on both the company and the air traffic at the most important airport in Bucharest.
• legal advice and assistance granted to important national companies in the field of electronic communications regarding the implementation of the provisions of GEO no. 111/2011;
• legal advice and assistance regarding the organisation of advertising lotteries through ATM type terminals by a major company in the field of providing software solutions and equipment;
• legal advice and assistance given to significant players in the field of providing internet and telecommunications services regarding the negotiation and implementation of interconnection agreements between networks;
• legal consultancy and assistance given to a major company providing equipment and software solutions regarding the negotiation and concretization of the contractual relationship established with a custom software application manufacturer, having as object the creation and implementation of custom software applications, on the Oracle platform, according to the indications of the final client;
• legal advice and assistance given to a national corporation regarding the negotiation and implementation of a service contract with the object of renting the transmission lines for data capacity services such as IP and SDH.
• ensuring close collaboration with the authorities and public institutions competent in the field such as the Ministry of Communications and Information Society and the National Authority for Administration and Regulation in Communications;
• legal advice and assistance regarding the applicability of the regulations specific to the field of electronic communications;
• legal advice and assistance regarding the protection of intellectual property rights, having as object the computer programs;
• drafting and negotiating various contracts for the delivery of telecommunications equipment or for providing IT solutions;
• negotiation and conclusion of interconnection agreements between the operators of the communication networks;
• legal consultancy and assistance regarding the protection of users' rights regarding electronic communications networks and services;
• legal consultancy in the field of electronic commerce and electronic payments.
• assistance and legal representation granted to a medical clinic regarding obtaining all the necessary opinions and authorizations for carrying out the activity in the medical field;
• legal assistance and representation given to a foundation regarding obtaining all the necessary opinions and authorisations for carrying out the activity in the medical field;
• legal assistance and representation given to a natural person regarding the start of the research of a medical professional by notifying the Romanian College of Physicians.
• legal assistance and representation before the College of Physicians and the courts in medical fault litigation;
• legal assistance to ensure the applicability of the legal provisions in force at the level of health institutions.
• legal advice and assistance regarding the registration with the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks for an important network of restaurants of the Community trademark;
• legal advice and assistance regarding the dispute between an important company on the human resources market in Romania and a well-known operator of telephony services aiming at obliging the telephony operator to cease the use of a logo and a combination of words identical to the legally registered combined mark at the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks of society and materialised in winning the case in favour of the company;
• legal advice and assistance regarding the assignment of copyright by a famous artist of Romanian nationality;
• legal advice and assistance to a major supplier of hardware and software equipment regarding the registration in the national registry of computer programs;
• legal advice and assistance given to a Romanian importer of foreign films regarding the implementation and development of the contractual relationship with the producer.
• trademark registration at national and Community level;
• legal advice and assistance regarding the assignment of trademarks as well as intellectual property rights;
• legal advice and assistance regarding the registration and protection of intellectual property rights;
• legal advice and assistance regarding various operations of reproduction, rental, protection, adaptation of a software as well as the way of protecting the intellectual property rights in relation to it;
• legal advice and assistance regarding the registration in the special registers kept and organised at the level of the Romanian Copyright Office;
• legal assistance and representation before institutions competent in the field such as the Romanian Copyright Office and the State Office for Inventions and Trademarks.
• legal assistance and representation granted to a financial leasing company regarding various aspects of corporate law of the companies requesting the granting of loans;
• legal assistance and representation granted to companies listed on the stock exchange on various aspects of company law;
• legal assistance and representation granted to an important manufacturer and distributor of vehicles recognised both nationally and internationally on various aspects of company law;
• assistance and legal representation granted before the Trade Register of a company in the field of real estate development and promotion regarding the successful completion and implementation of the process of voluntary dissolution and liquidation of the company in which the social parts of an associate were registered;
• assistance and legal representation granted before the Trade Register of a company in the field of transport regarding the successful reservation and preservation of the name of the company that presented elements similar to the names of other two companies;
• legal assistance and representation granted to an important leasing company regarding the reorganisation of the company's management;
• assistance and legal representation granted to large brokerage companies in Romania regarding the assignment of shares within them;
• legal assistance and representation regarding the establishment and operation of a medical clinic;
• legal assistance and representation granted to an important player on the Romanian telecommunications market regarding his merger with a company of profile.
• legal assistance and representation regarding the establishment of commercial companies, associations and foundations;
• legal assistance and representation regarding the daily organisation of the company aspects;
• legal assistance and representation regarding changes in the share capital as well as the structure of the associates;
• legal assistance and representation regarding the protection of the minority associate;
• coordination and implementation of mergers and acquisitions projects as well as those of voluntary dissolution and liquidation;
• preparing due diligence reports on corporate issues.
• legal assistance and representation granted to a medical clinic subjected to an absorption merger procedure regarding the transfer of employees to the absorbing company;
• legal assistance and representation given to a medical clinic regarding the content of the employment contracts concluded with the doctors;
• legal assistance and representation granted to a major telecommunications company regarding the content of the employment contracts of the employees who were kept in compliance with the principles of confidentiality and non-competition;
• legal assistance and representation given to an important company in the field of technological consultancy regarding the drafting and ensuring the implementation of the internal procedures at the company level;
• legal assistance and representation granted to a major company in the field of land transport infrastructure regarding the drafting and implementation of the internal regulation;
• legal assistance and representation given to an important telecommunications company regarding the drafting and implementation of the collective employment contract at the unit level;
• legal assistance and representation granted to a major company in the field of telecommunications regarding the carrying out of the preliminary disciplinary research procedure of the employee;
• legal assistance and representation given to a major printing company regarding the implementation of the restructuring procedure.
• legal assistance and representation in the individual or collective dismissal procedure;
• drafting of individual / collective employment contracts;
• drafting of internal regulations, procedures and norms;
• legal assistance and representation regarding the special clauses included in the individual employment contracts;
• preparing due diligence reports on employment law issues.
• legal assistance and representation granted to a company with Romanian integral capital regarding the implementation of a photo-voltaic park;
• legal assistance and representation granted to a joint venture company regarding the implementation of a wind farm;
• writing a due diligence report for the benefit of a leasing company, regarding the authorisations and licenses obtained by a company operating in the field of renewable energy for the purpose of granting a financing loan.
• assistance and legal representation regarding energy contracts;
• legal assistance and representation regarding the legal provisions applicable in the field;
• legal assistance and representation before the institutions competent in the field as well as before the National Regulatory Authority in the field of Energy;
• assistance and legal representation regarding the commercial contracts concluded for the implementation of the energy projects.
• legal advice and assistance given to an important company in the field of construction regarding the legal implementation of the project for decontamination of soil and groundwater;
• legal advice and assistance given to important national companies in the field of environmental protection legislation;
• analysing the way in which the local authorities complied with the norms of administrative law when issuing the acts and carrying out the actions for regulating the organisation and functioning of the water supply and sewerage services;
• legal representation and assistance to the Environmental Protection Agency granted to an important transport company in order to authorise the activity in the field of collection and recovery of packaging waste;
• legal advice and assistance given to a well-known restaurant in obtaining environmental permits and permits;
• writing due diligence reports for clients in the field of transport and cleaning services, regarding environmental issues;
• analysing the environmental reports on the water and in order to identify how the local norms were implemented;
• drawing up the specific documentation for obtaining the environmental permits and permits necessary to carry out the activity of companies operating in different areas.
• ensuring close cooperation with the public authorities and institutions competent in the field, such as the National Agency for Environmental Protection, the National Administration of Romanian Waters;
• legal assistance and consultancy regarding the applicability of specific environmental regulations;
• elaboration of legal opinions regarding the legality of the organisation and functioning of the public utilities services, as well as on the establishment of the management mode of the service;
• consultancy, assistance and representation in the specific procedures for obtaining the environmental permits and permits necessary to carry out the activity of companies;
• providing legal assistance or representation in front of the Environmental Protection Agencies, the Commissariats of the Environmental Guard, the National Administration of Romanian Waters for the entire duration of the authorisation.
• legal advice and assistance to national / international companies for the purchase of real estate;
• drafting due diligence on the legal status of buildings;
• verification of the legal status of the buildings at the competent authorities such as the Land Book Office, the Directorate of Local Taxes and Taxes, the City Hall (obtaining tax certificates, land information book extracts);
• carrying out all the formalities for the drawing up of the cadastral file and the registration in the land book and carrying out all the legal steps necessary to establish the ownership right on some immovable property, to record in the land book the operations related to the property right such as dismantling, attachment, mortgage;
• granting legal assistance, in order to establish the legal situation of some lands;
• assisting clients in carrying out projects for granting mortgages or real estate loans in order to make real estate investments;
• analysing property documents, land book extracts, cadastral documentation;
• drafting the sale-purchase contracts with real estate guarantee and the real estate guarantee contracts;
• drafting the rental contracts for spaces located in shopping centres.
• drafting legal opinions and due diligence reports on the legal status of buildings;
• drafting of pre-contracts, sales-purchase contracts, leasing contracts, mortgage contracts and granting legal assistance to the notary public for signing and authenticating all these types of contracts;
• verification of the technical and legal regime of the buildings to the competent public authorities;
• performing all the formalities related to the land book regarding the existence / non-existence of the tasks that encumber the buildings;
• verification of the tax regime of buildings at the Directorate of Local Taxes and Taxes;
• legal assistance and consultancy in extensive real estate transactions.
• granting legal assistance to a company with a significant role in the construction market at national level, for a real estate project with a final value of over 32 million euros. The activity consisted in ensuring the legal services, with a predilection by representing before the courts, in disputes directly related to this real estate project;
• granting legal assistance to natural persons, successfully represented before the courts, in several litigations whose object is the claim of immovable property confiscated during the communist period. As a result of these legal actions, the former owners or their heirs, have succeeded in taking possession of the respective goods or have been effectively compensated by the Romanian State;
• granting legal assistance to foreign citizens, represented before the courts of administrative litigation, in several litigations whose object is to obtain or extend a right of residence in the territory of Romania, mainly for the purpose of conducting commercial activities.
• legal support to clients in establishing a process strategy for each problem for which they want to develop successful creative solutions;
• legal advice on the best course of action in order to assist clients in achieving the objectives;
• drafting court requests, summonses, counterclaims, procedural requests of any kind, as well as all the documents involved in the negotiations for the amicable settlement of disputes;
• Assistance and representation of the clients' interests regarding the relationship with the bodies empowered to carry out forced execution activities (offices of judicial executors, courts);
• drafting and submitting in court the appeals for execution, as well as other requests and actions aimed at defending the interests of the clients, ensuring their representation in all levels of jurisdiction.
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